You do not need to go to the bank to get a card. You can buy it right now by paying with any electronic money. Card details - a unique 16-digit number, CVV code and expiration date - you will receive after additional communication with us, providing a unique purchase code. <delivery>WARNING! Please use the card for a specific steam operation, the guaranteed validity period of this card is no more than 3 days from the date of its purchase, regardless of the formal data specified in its details. Further claims are not accepted, be careful!</delivery> We RECOMMEND buying a card with a reserve in case the site uses "pre-authorization", withdraws a small amount before payment, possible hidden fees or coverage of exchange rate differences. To make a payment by card, you must enter the card details received during the purchase, indicate your name and surname in Latin, as well as any Russian address - and confirm the payment. <attention>Steam only card</attention> <delivery>Guaranteed validity: 3 days.</delivery> <attention>Bank: RU Replenishment of the card through us: no 3D Secure technology: YES (I do not issue a code) Conversion to any currency: YES (consider the possible bank commission!) </attention>
PURCHASE ORDER: 1. Pay in any convenient way. 2. In the response message, you get the completed card.